Change Starts with Action!!!

How many times have you had the thought that something just needs to change in my life?  It could be changing your living or working environment, your relationships, or just you.  No matter what change you feel you need to make all you know for certain is that something needs to change.  You sit there with this new idea of this great change you want to make and ponder over it.  Thinking to yourself if I just make this change it will make such a big difference in my life.  You sit there with this wonderful idea and then you start picturing yourself after the change has happened of how happy you are and how wonderful it would feel.  Then, after daydreaming for a little bit you snap back to reality still sitting there with this great idea and that is it just an idea. 

An idea is great and while there is nothing wrong with daydreaming and picturing yourself after this wonderful change at the end of the day it is still an idea.  No idea of this great change you have for yourself will bring the true satisfaction for you without action.  If you want to start to make the change in your life you have set for yourself you have to put it into action.  There are so many daydreamers in this world but few that bring their daydream to reality and start living it.  If you have been longing for this great change then write out a goal, put an action plan together, and put in the work to make the change a reality.  


Stand Firm!!!


Run Your Race!!!