Why...I will explain!
Why in the world am I doing this and why the blog name? Well, I will answer those two questions but first I will introduce myself. Its only fair to my audience to know who is the person behind the blog right?
My name is Lorenzo and I live in Los Angeles, CA, aka the City of Angels. I am a father to a beautiful daughter, and she is one of the main reasons I get up everyday working to be a better person than I was yesterday. I got my bachelors degree from Lander University in Greenwood, SC and my M.B.A. from Northcentral University (online). We will get into my education background and all that good stuff in later blogs, but I will say its just a piece of paper, which I am proud of. Those degrees have lead me to the wonderful Healthcare Industry working in business development, and I love it.
Alright, that is enough about me personally, which isn't much, but its enough to lay the groundwork. Now, why did I start a blog or even think about blogging? The question is simple, am I the only person going through life's rollercoaster ride and when can I get off this ride? Those were the questions that I pondered a lot, enough leading me to just writing down my thoughts and everyday struggles. Which, has lead me to blogging, because maybe there is someone else going through life like me or similar to me, but maybe I can help.
Now, to answer the question why did I choose my blog to be named Stop N' Smell the Poop? Many of us have heard to just slow down and smell the roses, which is very nice. Have you ever stopped to smell your own output or as I would say poop? I love to eat healthy and take care of my body, but I also know that on my cheat days I will output some smelly crap, and that is also true with life. It's easy to blame life for your certain circumstances, but take a minute to reflect on your own output (poop). Ask yourself did what I output today lead to a smell of funk, bearable, or hmmmm I don't smell a thing? That is the reason for the name of my blog. This blog is here in hopes to gear the mindset to not only just stop and smell the roses, but also to smell your own poop.
I hope you enjoy this journey and really Stop N' Smell the Poop!